Thursday, March 29, 2007
Bring Happiness
Stay at Home – This command required a married man to spend time at home so that his wife would be happy. How would you describe your happiness when you are both home together?
Do you need to spend more time at home together than you do now? If so, how can you adjust your schedules so that you have more time together?
Is there anything you can do to improve the quality of the time you do spend together at home? (such as eat together, pray together, remove distractions, etc.)
Bring Happiness – Explain to each other the things that make you happy or unhappy when you are together.
Discuss some of the things you can do to bring happiness to each other.
What are the long term consequences of you having a happy, stable, marriage?
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Work Toward Peace
Effort? – Discuss with each other ways you can put effort into making your marriage better.
How much effort have you given to your marriage in the last month?
Peace? – What does it take for you to be at peace with each other?
Which of these best fits your idea of peace?
- We leave each other alone most of the time. We don’t bother each other.
- We are able to spend time together and enjoy each other’s company, as long as we don’t bring up sensitive subjects that we can’t agree on.
- We both understand and respect each other and enjoy being around each other, even though we don’t think alike on some things.
- We are just the same; we think and feel the same about everything.
(If you picked 1 or 2, you have work to do on your marriage. If you picked 3, you are blessed. If you picked 4, you may be from another planet.)
Mutual Edification? – Some couples are in competition with each other. What would it take for each of you to want the other to grow?
Discuss ways you would like to see growth in your life in the next five years.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Speaking the Truth in Love
Speaking the Truth – Discuss with each other how honest you believe you are with each other.
Is there anything that would bring more honesty into your marriage?
Are there times when it would be better to say nothing than to speak the truth?
Are there times you have spoken, out of anger or fear, things that were not true?
Speaking in Love – Talk about how to speak in love to each other.
How does love influence your choice of words, your tone of voice, and your timing when you talk to each other?
In All Things Grow Up – How can you help each other grow as Christians?
Tell your spouse what they can do that will help you grow.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
It’s Not All About Me
Anger? – This verse says that love is not easily angered. Discuss with each other how often in the past month anger has been evident in your marriage.
Can you discuss those moments without getting angry again?
How does love cause you to be slower to anger?
What needs to change for each of you to take longer to become angry?
- If you are easily angered, you do not believe the best about life, God, and your spouse. If you believe that God loves you, and your spouse loves you, then life’s troubles don’t make you mad as easily. You are expecting things to work out, God to show up, and your spouse to do what they can.
Self-Seeking? – Love is not self-seeking. Describe for each other a time you were focused on yourself to the point you were unaware of your spouse's needs.
How can you become less self-seeking?
No Record? - Love keeps no record of wrongs. Each of you share with the other a wrong from the past you would appreciate never being brought up again.
Discuss whether you are willing to drop it once and for all.